Tuesday, April 29, 2014

A person's prespective tword a specified target and way of saying and doing things. Also a settled way of thinking about someone or something, typically one that is reflected on a person's behavior.    

  • Synonyms for attidude:...
  • belief
  • mood
  • character
  • temperament
  • stance
  • prespective
  • philosophy 
   Examples of good/bad attidudes: "He took rage out into the pitch with the other team"(bad) 
"A big pop superstar gave many many of his fortune to the poor, the sick, the hungry and the sad." (good) 

Duties and ResponsibilitiesPeridontist is the speciality of denistry that studies supporting structures of teeth, as well as diseases and conditions that affect them. The supporting tissues are known as the periodontium which includeds the gingiva (gums), alveolar bone, cementum and the periodontal ligament. 

Salary: $97,000-$241,000

Education: Before apllying to any postgraduate training program in periodontology one must first complete a dental degree and have a high school diploma.       
Reflection: Sounds very good, but I'm just not intrested :( 

Monday, April 28, 2014

                          CHOOSE THE RIGHT 
                      Student Success Statement 

      "He who walks with the wise grows with the wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm." 
                               A Proverb 

Reflection: For example... since we're in our young glory  teen years and we hang out with people who are good and mature and smart about things. Then that will stick with us in the future. Like I have friends who are cool, they're smart and they have really good taste in music. Then those people will have effect in me in my life time. It's just good to hang out with people who "CTR" and just have many simliarties with eachother and take your mind to that. It's also good for us. But for most, it's good for everybody. Everyone should have a cool wise friend who will mark your heart later on in your life. So after you remark on that you have something good in yourself and you yourself CTR. It will also make you feel good. Also you will think yo yourself "wow" look at me now I "CTR". It also makes you think about things like if you need help with problems. Or on stuff you need help on. You think back of your goods friends and use or remember their good advice and wisdom. It jusr really helps you a lot and you just feel ahppy that had really good people you hung with or have just been with around. It's just beautiful and awesome in life :). 

                                                  Dental Technician

Duties and Responsibilities: A dental technician is a memeber of the dental team who upon prescription from a dental clinician, constructs custom made restorative and dental appliances.

Salary: $36,000-$46,000 

Education: To be a dental technician you will have to take the most challenging high schools courses which include math, english, and science. They also have to take a two-year program at a community college, vocational school, technical college, university or dental school. They recieve an associate degree or certificate. And they're high school diploma!    

Reflection: Sounds good, but I'm not really interested. I have a DREAM I want to achive. 

Thursday, April 24, 2014

                                        CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!! 
                      Student Success Statement 
"You can't hire someone else to do your push-ups for you." 
                                           -Jim Rohn
  Reflection: What I think this quote means is that you can't just depend on someone to lead your own path to your life/future. YOU are the creator of your own future and life. You make the decisions in your life and they'll take you whererever you may go. You can't just tell people what do for you and your life to be perfect or successful. The future is what you make it!! 

                     Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) Surgeon 

Duties and Responsibilities: Otolaryngology is the medical specialty that covers the care of the ear, nose, throat, often referred to as "ENT". Otolaryngology is a wide-ranging medical specialty that encompasses everything from ear tubes and sleep apnea to swallowing disorders, throat cancers and cochlear implants and since our ears, nose, sinuses and throat play such pivotal roles in communication, otolaryngology plays an enormous role in maintaining patients quality of life. 

Salary: $35,000-$45,000 

Education: Studnets should take the high challenging coruses in high school. Such as math, scienece and english courses. Students should have a diploma. 


Reflection: This job for some reason doesn't grab my attention, but I have other goals and a very BIG dream I want to acomplish. 

Monday, April 21, 2014

                                  CHOSSE THE RIGHT!!!
                              Student Success Statement 
"Man's rise or fal, success or faliure, happieness or unhappieness depends on his attitude will create the situation he imagines."  -James Allen 
Reflection: What I think of this quote is that in any situation, you have to pick yourself up and just be good about it!  It's nobody' s buisness...what can I say, It's OUR CHOICE! 
                                                                 25 Opposites 

  1. Night and Day 
  2. Sad and Happy 
  3. Fast and Slow 
  4. Summer and Winter
  5. Right and Left
  6. Up and Down 
  7. Sunny and Rainy 
  8. Rich and Poor
  9. Weak and Strong 
  10. Fear and Courage 
  11. Dry and Wet 
  12. Dead and Alive 
  13. Open and Close 
  14. New and Old 
  15. Fire and Water 
  16. Smart and Dumb 
  17. Big and Small 
  18. Success and Faliure 
  19. Bright and Dark 
  20. Tall and Short 
  21. Fat and Skinny 
  22. Good and Bad 
  23. Past and Future 
  24. Male and Female 
  25. CTR and CTW 
                                                            Clinical Manager 

Duties and Responsibilities:Clinical managers, a type of medical and health services manager, work as managers in both administrative and medical capacities to ensure that the establishment for which they work runs smoothly. Clinical managers often work for doctors' offices, clinics, long-term care facilities, and outpatient facilities. Typical duties of a clinical manager include managing clinical, professional, administrative, and clerical staff; managing the recruitment, development of, and appraisal of staff; overseeing day-to-day management; developing and implementing policies and directives; setting and monitoring budgets; attending meetings; handling communications; and making purchasing disicions

Salary: $88,580-$99,720

Education: Generally, you'll need to have a minimum of a bachelor's degree in a field like medical services administration or health care administration. Coursework in a relevant 4-year, bachelor degree program includes courses on health care law and ethics, health care financial management, organization and management in health care, information systems for health care, health care administration, and case management.
Reflection:... It sounds like a very awesome job, but I just couldn't. I have dreams and goals I wanna acomplish!! 

Thursday, April 10, 2014

                                       CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
                                               Student Success Statement 
                                              "Kindness is the essence of greatness"
                                                                -Joseph B. Wirthlin

Reflection: What I think this quote means is that that if you're kind to others, it tells others/reflects back on who you are as a person and you receive that greatness on behalf of your image in that way. 

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

                                                      10 ACTS OF KINDESS

  • Opening the door for someone
  • Giving 
  • Sharing 
  • Helping the poor 
  • Giving someone a piece of your heart
  • Being humble 
  • Helping someone with a problem :) 
                            CHOOSE THE RIGHT!!!
                                                  Student Success Statement 
                                       "Visualization_Imagination: What you see is what you GET." 


  I think what this means is that whatever you believe is gonna happen in your mind, is going to happen! 
                           Sonographer (Ultrasound Technician) 

      Duties and Responsibilities: An ultrasound technician, also called a sonographer, uses a scanner to examine the inner organs of the body, tissues and blood flow, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and courses of treatment. Sonographers, or ultrasound technologists, work with equipment that directs very high frequency sound waves into the body tissues to produce images or pictures of internal organs, diseased masses, and fetuses.  These images are then used by physicians to diagnose and treat patients.  Some sonogrphers specialize in examining certain areas of the body, such as the brain, the heart, and the pelvis.  As part of their responsibilities, sonographers also check patients' medical histories, explain procedures, determine the best patient positions to produce the images, and operate photography and printout equipment.  Most sonographers work in hospitals.

  Salary: $24,000 - $38,000

    Education: Students should take the most challenging science, math, and English courses available in high school. 
Sonographer training programs are offered at community colleges and hospitals.  They can be completed in one to four years depending on prior work experience.  Sonographers must pass annual certification tests after completing training.
Reflection: sounds totally good, but I just wouldn' tdo it :c